Soul Scroll Jewellery


Branding / Application
Soul Scroll Jewellery is luxurious jewellery brand that tailors for people who want to gift their loved ones a unique piece of jewellery with a tiny scroll inside carrying a message. This unique piece of jewellery has a feather at the back near the clasp, reflective of how a quill would be used to write scrolls in olden times.

My brief: was to create a contemporary yet classic identity that conveyed high-end luxury. The logotype is constructed with connecting swirls indicative of handwriting and underneath ‘JEWELLERY’, I have included a feather as part of the identity as a nod to the feather being used in the scroll jewellery. The monogram created for the identity consists of two ‘SS’s’ (Soul Scroll) facing each other, with a feather incorporated in the centre. The monogram is an elegant piece of visual language, reminiscent of two swans which works powerfully across brand comms.

It was a pleasure to work with Anne-Marie. From start to finish it was plain sailing and easy to communicate with her. I can truly say Anne-Marie is an outstanding designer.

– Angela Adrian, Owner, Soul Scroll Jewellery


AIM Centre


Cap Network Ireland