Egans Wine Store


Branding / Packaging / Application
Egans is a bespoke architecturally designed wineshop in Portlaoise that specialises in fine wines and speciality world beers.

My brief: was to design a new brand, look and feel for the store and various brand collateral including wine collars, booklets and marketing material. The brand mark I created was inspired by old letterpress type blocks which I accompanied with a stamp finish. I wanted the application work to have a natural look which was achieved by printing the brand promotional material on brown recyclable paper. I also created illustrations of wine glasses, beer bottles, etc. which had a slightly mottled printing effect on them, which complemented the typography on the application work. This project was awarded by The Institute of Designers as commended in packaging design.

Designed at ThreeSixty


Revolve Renewable Power


3kids Branding